The Brinton Museum in Big Horn, Wyoming, is celebrating its home state through a vibrant exhibition of works by five nationally known Western landscape artists.
Opened on September 10 and running through October 29, “Wyoming Point of View” is a fantastic exhibition of paintings by artists Lorenzo Chavez, Bruce Graham, Skip Whitcomb, Kathy Wipfler, and Dan Young. In addition to several outstanding landscape paintings, the exhibition will feature a selection of sketches in graphite, watercolor, and pastel. “Inspired by a deep passion and a respect for the beauty of the West,” the museum’s website reads, “for rolling meadows of iconic sage and rabbit bush, wide open spaces dotted by willows and streams, aspens and glorious mountain ranges, each artist brings his or her own vision of the land to life in art, working en plein air.”
To learn more, visit the Brinton Museum.
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