Daniel Keys – Opus: One Man Show & Sale
March 8-18, 2018
Legacy Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona
Recently on Instagram, a post from Daniel J. Keys caught my eye. It was a floral painting that, standing alone, caught my immediate attention, but when I read more about it I felt compelled to share this behind-the-scenes look at “Abundance” (above) with you. Keep scrolling to see what Keys had to say about it, and watch a captivating video preview of his current fine art exhibition. And stay tuned — Keys’ work will also be featured in an upcoming issue of Artists on Art.
“Several months ago, when a collector was faced with the decision of having to decide between two of my paintings (‘Abundance’ and another large still life), I was secretly thrilled at the prospect of being able to display this one in my upcoming show, ‘Opus,’ ” Keys said. “While the other painting that they ultimately went with is equally as beautiful, there are just some pieces that deserve to have their moment in the spotlight before heading directly into a private collection, where few will have opportunity to see it.”

“And being able to share ‘Abundance’ with all who will pass through the gallery in the coming weeks brings a certain amount of satisfaction and happiness to me as the artist. Paintings represent countless hours of effort, joy, struggle, tears, and sometimes even a giddy response to getting the brushstroke just right. The works of a painter represent where he has been and who he has become. This show is all of that for me, and I’m so excited to share it with all of you!”

I reached out to Keys to invite him to share more about the exhibition, and he added, “When Legacy Gallery approached me about doing another one-man show, I immediately said yes. Not only are they a fabulous gallery with which to work, but there’s also just something about putting together an exhibition of paintings that excites me. A single painting can be complete in and of itself, and should be strong enough to stand on its own, but a body of work gives the viewer deeper insights into who the artist is.”

“It’s an opportunity to show range, new direction, and progress, and give both the collector and general art-lover a chance to have a more immersive experience. Like a musical concert, hopefully each song holds together on its own merits, but hearing them as a collection of works becomes a more complete and enveloping picture. My paintings are my songs, but ‘Opus’ is my concert.”
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