More than 60 small paintings and sculptures are included in this upcoming art show at Rimrock Gallery in Prineville, Oregon.
Gallery Artists:
Rett Ashby, Utah
Willo Balfrey, California
Meagan Blessing, Montana
Laurel Buchanan, Oregon
Pamela Claflin, Oregon
Rod Frederick, Oregon
Lane Hall, Oregon
Ginny Harding, Washington
Steven Homsher, Colorado
Ralph James, North Carolina
Gretha Lindwood, Oregon
Cammie Lundeen, Colorado
Jim McVicker, California
Robert Moore, Idaho
Stefan Savides, Oregon
Melanie Thompson, Washington
Craig Zuger, Oregon

Guest Artists:
Gene Costanza, Oregon
Randall Tillery, Oregon
Michele Usibelli, Montana
Shelly Wierzba, Oregon

The Small Works Show and Sale is open November 9 through December. Learn more at
Related article > New Art Gallery Near Bend, Oregon
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