How did you get started and then develop your career?
Richard Boyer: In grammar school the art teacher must have noticed something, and every year she put together an art box filled with supplies and hand delivered it to me during class. In high school I sold my first painting at an art street festival, a painting of the Andromeda Galaxy for a hundred dollars, and there was no going back after that!
I went to the University of Utah and studied portrait painting under an English professor, then started knocking on gallery doors. They told me they were not looking for any new artists and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
Years later as one gallery owner put it, “I only really consider artists after they have painted 10,000 works.” I finally got into my first gallery.
How do you describe success?
Success in my book is more or less making a living from your artistic endeavors. The bottom line is you as an artist you need to pay the bills and support yourself and the family. Easier said than done, I know. How many times do you get knocked down, brush off the dust, and hit it all again? Maybe this describes the successful artist — that blind determination to keep trying until you get it right!
How do you find inspiration?
Inspiration starts when you consider it a job and start painting every day with a set amount of working hours. The more you paint, the easier it becomes to come up with subject matter.
What is the best thing about being an artist?
The hours by far are the best thing, then the traveling to different locations to paint.
Who do you collect?
As an established artist I have traded many works with some contemporary art friends to the point where I almost have too much!

To see more of Richard’s work, visit: www.richardboyerart.net