ART & THE ANIMAL EXHIBITION / Society of Animal Artists
Turtle Bay Exploration Park
Redding, California
Through January 1, 2023
Recent works by 125 members of the Society of Animal Artists (SAA) are on view in the organization’s 62nd annual Art & the Animal exhibition. Visitors to California’s Turtle Bay Exploration Park will encounter art depicting a variety of species, made in a wide range of styles, sizes, and techniques.
On October 30, half of the show’s art-works were deinstalled so that they can be shown at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum (Oradell, New Jersey, November 19, 2022–January 15, 2023) and finally at the Ella Carothers Dunnegan Gallery of Art (Bolivar, Missouri, February 11–April 2, 2023).
Founded in 1960, SAA is devoted to promoting excellence in the portrayal of creatures sharing our planet, and to public education through exhibitions, lectures, and demonstrations. Its membership represents a veritable who’s who of animal artists worldwide.
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