Jove Wang, "Suzdal, Russia," Oil on canvas, 18" x 32"
Jove Wang, "Suzdal, Russia," Oil on canvas, 18" x 32"

American Legacy Fine Arts (Pasadena, CA) recently announced its “Fleeting Moments 2nd Biennale: Works en Plein Air,” a group exhibition that takes an extraordinary look at the contemporary painting movement. With more than 40 new works created by 24 artists, the exhibition focuses on continuing the evolution and growing appreciation of painting outdoors to capture the ephemeral qualities of natural light.

Jennifer Moses, "Reflections in Time, "Oil on linen panel, 8" x 16"
Jennifer Moses, “Reflections in Time, “Oil on linen panel, 8″ x 16”

More from the gallery:

By concentrating on the most active and influential as well as up-and-coming painters in this movement, the exhibition examines how skilled artists interpret spatiotemporal occurrences — events that happen in a split second of time and space — and connect those momentary experiences to universally felt emotions.

Nikita Budkov, "Towards the Light," Oil on canvas, 18" x 14"
Nikita Budkov, “Towards the Light,” Oil on canvas, 18″ x 14″

With “Fleeting Moments 2nd Biennale,” American Legacy Fine Arts joins in the discourse of defining plein air (outdoor) painting to include elements of light and its momentary effects; the relationship of juxtaposed colors; and brushwork that is loose, lively, broad, or impasto. Smaller works may be completed in their entirety out-of-doors, while large-scale plein air paintings may be done in the studio with the use of on-location studies and color notes taken in nature.

Stephen Mirich, "Storm Break, San Pedro," Oil on canvas, 9" x 12"
Stephen Mirich, “Storm Break, San Pedro,” Oil on canvas, 9″ x 12″

“Fleeting Moments 2nd Biennale” celebrates these 24 groundbreaking artists, who are redefining the plein air experience today. The exhibition is on view November 22 through December 15, 2019 at American Legacy Fine Arts.

David Dibble, "Rainy Creek," Oil on canvas, 10" x 8"
David Dibble, “Rainy Creek,” Oil on canvas, 10″ x 8″


Peter Adams, Brian Blood, Keith Bond, Nikita Budkov, Christopher Cook, Steve Curry, Karl Dempwolf, David Dibble, Kathleen Dunphy, Chuck Kovacic, Jean LeGassick, Calvin Liang, Stephen Mirich, Jennifer Moses, Michael Obermeyer, Tony Peters, Daniel W. Pinkham, Robin Purcell, Dan Schultz, Kevin Short, Amy Sidrane, W. Jason Situ, William Stout,and Jove Wang.

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