Reimagining the Cow

Best known for his depictions of cows in lush Midwestern landscapes, painter Craig Blietz presents a surreal interpretation of animals in the “pastoral scene”...
Jimmy Wright, "Sunflower with Blue Leaf," 2000, Pastel on Lanaquarelle paper, 22 x 30 inches

Emotional Repositories

These flowers reflect a broad and fluid array of human emotions, and they became powerful memento mori and vessels for themes of grief, memorialization, selfhood, and resurrection.

From the Streets

The intersection of nature and manmade infrastructure is a fascinating theme that has found itself the subject of artists for centuries. What does this...
Kami Mendlik (b. 1973), "The Silver Lining Again," 2022, oil on linen, 30 x 30 in., private collection

Two Complementing Exhibitions at MMAM

The Minnesota Marine Art Museum is presenting two simultaneous exhibitions that complement one another perfectly. They are ...

The Edan Hughes Collection

Author and acknowledged expert on California art Edan Hughes passed away in April 2015, and now selections from his renowned collection are being made...
Peter Van Dyck, "Studio Interior Bike Workshop," oil on board, 32 x 26 in.

Atravesando El Ojo (Through the Eye)

In a world often saturated with pretense and artifice, honesty in art serves as a refreshing reminder of our shared humanity...

Reclusive Surrealism

March 19 marks the date when sculptor Arthur Kern and the Ogden Museum of Southern Art open a solo exhibition of the artist’s surrealist...
Don Trachte drawing board including sketches of replicas

A Norman Rockwell Mystery

The mystery of these hidden Norman Rockwell paintings is displayed through a timeline of events that led to the discovery of the works now showing at ...

Featured Artwork: Paul Grass

"And He Bearing His Cross" Graphite on Paper 40 X 32 in. $3995.00   LivvnArt Colorado and The Religious Academy are pleased to announce our monthly LivvnArt Biblical Gallery...
Sara Drahos (b. 2003), "Kobe Bryant," 2022, mixed media, 24 x 24 in.

The 2024 Arizona Fine Art Expo

The Scottsdale-Phoenix region always booms at this time of year, and one of the season’s highlights will be the 20th annual Arizona Fine Art Expo.

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