Leah Lopez
16 x 20 in.
Leah Lopez will be unveiling new works at Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery in Portland, Maine on October 2, 2015. A wine and Cheese opening will be held for her solo exhibit from 5:00-8:00. All are welcome to come meet the artist. This exhibit will be on view through the end of October.
Leah Lopez is a devoted New York artist, painting between 4 to 12 hours a day. Her efforts are widely rewarded by the extraordinary oil paintings she produces. Often compared to the Dutch masters, Lopez brings emotion and sensitivity to the still life’s she creates. Working from her beautiful Union Square Studio, she delights us and captivates us with deep rich color and brightly lit objects that seem to emerge out of darkness.
“I’ve always been an explorer and a seeker, these experiences serve as inspiration for my paintings.”
Leah Lopez plays with light to lure her viewers into her delicate pieces. Her compositions dance the eye to explore every part of the artwork. Be it carefully rendered porcelain, brass, cloth, fruit or glass, a Lopez’s still life is unforgettable. Once drawn into her romantic spell, it is clear that her passion for color and value translate into an emotional creation that touches the soul.
Lopez will also be featuring equally emotional figurative work.
Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery is honored to represent such artistic talent as Leah Lopez and many other artists from all over the world. The 3000 Sq Ft gallery houses stunning realism from ten different countries. It is a gallery like no other and an experience for both art lovers and collectors.
Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery
48 Free Street
Portland, ME 04101
[email protected]
Featured Artwork: Leah Lopez