“Free Bird”
30 x 40 in.
[email protected]
I am inspired by the creative world around us. The color harmonies of nature, the pose of a model, the beauty of line, shape and the effects of light as they all interact to tell a wonderful story of beauty and creation. I strive to capture these scenes in a way that resonates with the viewer and brings joy, hope and goodness into their lives.
Palette and Chisel Academy of Art, Chicago
Academy of Art, Chicago
Northern Illinois University
Daniel Gerhartz
Rose Frantzen
Romel De La Torre
Gregg Kreutz
Scott Christensen
William Schneider
Recent Shows
NOAPS Award of Excellence, Online International 2014
NOAPS Award of Excellence, Best of America 2013
American Impressionist Society 2013
OPA Salon 2013
American Impressionist Society 2012
NOAPS Best of America 2012
OPA Eastern Regional 2011
Best of Show Award: OK Art, Oklahoma
23rd Annual Conservatory Art Classic, Bosque TX
1st Place Gold: 22nd Annual Conservatory Art Classic, Bosque TX
Barns & Farms National Juried Competition 2007
OPA Eastern Regional Miniature 2007
OPA Eastern Regional, 2005
Professional Memberships
OPA, Oil Painters of America
Portrait Society of America
ARC, Art Renewal Center
American Impressionist Society
NOAPS, National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society
Jeff has painted numerous portrait and corporate pieces