Only about 1,000 of America’s 35,000 museums have earned the distinction recently accorded to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We join in celebration of this event!
The highest national recognition a museum can attain is accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) — an honor recently re-awarded to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Accreditation from the AAM “signifies excellence to the museum community, governments, funders, outside agencies and the museum-going public,” the museum writes.
First accredited in 1972, the IMA undergoes reaccreditation review every 10 years. Although it may not sound too monumental, only about 1,000 of the nation’s 35,000 museums have earned the distinction, making reaccreditation something to celebrate. The museum continued, “Alliance Accreditation brings national recognition to a museum for its commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards and continued institutional improvement. Developed and sustained by museum professionals for 45 years, the Alliance’s museum accreditation program is the field’s primary vehicle for quality assurance, self-regulation and public accountability. It strengthens the museum profession by promoting practices that enable leaders to make informed decisions, allocate resources wisely, and remain financially and ethically accountable in order to provide the best possible service to the public.”
This article was featured in Fine Art Today, a weekly e-newsletter from Fine Art Connoisseur magazine. To start receiving Fine Art Today for free, click here.

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Andrew Webster
Andrew Webster is the former Editor of Fine Art Today and worked as an editorial and creative marketing assistant for Streamline Publishing. Andrew graduated from The University of North Carolina at Asheville with a B.A. in Art History and Ceramics. He then moved on to the University of Oregon, where he completed an M.A. in Art History. Studying under scholar Kathleen Nicholson, he completed a thesis project that investigated the peculiar practice of embedded self-portraiture within Christian imagery during the 15th and early 16th centuries in Italy.


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