Just a few weeks remain to view a diverse selection of contemporary American marine art. With over 120 works and countless subjects, there’s surely something for everyone during this national exhibition.
Hurry up! April 2 is when the 17th National Exhibition of the American Society of Marine Artists (ASMA) dismounts at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. Each year the ASMA hosts a vibrant national exhibition that highlights the best in contemporary marine art. This year’s showcase features more than 120 works of painting, sculpture, and scrimshaw.
Among others, some of the artists included are Susie Anderson, Sheri Farabaugh, and Russ Kramer.
Competition for 2017 was steep as more than 500 artworks were submitted for consideration. ASMA President Kim Shaklee remarked, “With every National Exhibition comes a dedicated, collaborative effort from the society’s fellows, who judiciously select the ‘best of the best’ for our prestigious traveling collection of works. It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we welcome the public to delve into the mystique of the various mediums in hopes of igniting a spark for the intricacies and nuances lying within the art included in the 17th ASMA National.”
CBMM Chief Curator Pete Lesher said, “We are honored to bring the nation’s best contemporary marine art to CBMM for our members and guests to view and enjoy. We identify closely with the mission of ASMA as we both have the goal to preserve, encourage, and highlight maritime practices.”
To learn more, visit the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.
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