Cape Cod Museum of Art National Juried Show
Through May 27, 2018
“Artists are keen observers, participating deeply in the natural world, from the micro-world of the garden, to the seafloors and wildernesses that we must strive to reach,” says Juror Mark Adams. “The submissions were powerful, and ranged from the subtle to the dramatic. I was drawn particularly to work that came from a direct experience of the natural world.
“The themes of connection and healing and nature’s importance are all represented here, sometimes in intangible ways, using visual languages that provoke questions and illuminate how the world works. Together we hope to create in this exhibition a little cosmos, a platform to observe nature keenly, to ask questions about the earth’s systems, and to make commitments that these inspirations will continue to make life rich for those that follow us.”

Gretchen Woodman of Nottingham, New Hampshire, represented by her drawing, “Precious,” explores human/animal relationships. She says that by investigating the essence of the animal through visual art, she creates emotional connections to animals and that “by fostering a caring attitude toward all living beings, we connect more closely to our earth and each other.”
William Lord of Maynard, MA, represented by the painting “Swimming Hole” (at top), says he uses dried paint he scrapes from palettes and paint tubes as his primary medium “to draw a parallel between the need to conserve our dwindling earthly resources and the beautiful places we risk losing if we don’t.”
More than 700 diverse artworks expressing the artist’s relationship to the natural world or their response to issues confronting the environment were submitted for Healing Nature from around the country.

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