Learn about these scholarships for artists, including who is eligible and how to apply.
Art students entering today’s professional art and museum world are expected to have rigorous training and a diverse educational background. The Frederic Whitaker and Eileen Monaghan Whitaker Scholarship Program was established in 2014 to assist art students whose undergraduate degree includes an emphasis on watercolor or art history/museum studies, in meeting those demands.
Over the course of the application process, students will demonstrate their knowledge of Frederic Whitaker and Eileen Monaghan Whitaker’s paintings and history, by submitting a short essay or the applicant’s own watercolor paintings.

Three art scholarships are being awarded:
Two (2) $2,000 Bachelor of Fine Art scholarships (watercolor emphasis)
One (1) $2,000 Bachelor of Art in Art History or Museum Studies
Upon evaluation, scholarships will be awarded for Spring 2019. Learn more at https://whitakerwatercolors.org and apply for these art scholarships HERE by November 15, 2018.
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