“Tiny” is an annual small works exhibit at Studio Gallery, featuring artworks that are smaller than 7 x 7 inches, and under $500 (many under $250). The show is in its 14th year and includes work from more than 200 artists in a variety of media. As pieces sell, the gallery is hanging new work, evolving the show as it goes.
“As always, we’ve mixed in a few larger pieces; they aren’t tiny, but we couldn’t resist,” says the gallery. “We jokingly called these ‘Huge.’”
“Tiny,” an exhibition of small works, is on view at Studio Gallery (San Francisco, CA) through December 23, 2018.
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I love this! I love finding amazing art that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Tree with Orange Land by Donna Slote is my favorite out of the work in this article. Her style reminds me of the artist Andrea Musa from the new ATO Gallery website.