“Life Under the Pandemic Moon” is an ongoing show by the Art Students League of New York. Although this project was initially intended for the artistic reflections of the New York City metro area’s experience under the coronavirus pandemic, artists from around the world contributed. As this pandemic moves into our region, cities, communities, neighborhoods and homes, The Art Students League has asked for submissions that address personal experiences directly reflecting our state of existence under this extraordinary phenomenon. They have encouraged participants to consider those aspects of their daily lives that have been altered one way or another. For example: Are we kinder to one another? Have we become more concerned about one another?
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Many of us have gone through denial, fear, anger, acceptance and resolution as the ramifications of this pandemic become clear. Ultimately, we may become better humans towards one another, our planet, and the splendor that is life.
“Life Under the Pandemic Moon” is a virtual exhibition organized by renowned artist and League instructor Hugo Bastidas. The exhibit invites artists in the community to reflect and respond to the current global health crisis. Bastidas’ paintings frequently reference architecture, water, vegetation and art history, and reflect his concern about the human condition, globalization, and their effect on the Earth’s well-being. Selected works will be shared in a virtual gallery on LINEA, The League’s online journal.
View the images at https://asllinea.org/life-under-the-pandemic-moon/.
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