Van Gogh Paintings On View: “Van Gogh in America”
Detroit Institute of Art (DIA), Michigan
Through January 22, 2023

“Van Gogh in America” celebrates the DIA’s status as the first public museum in the United States to purchase a painting by Vincent van Gogh, his “Self-Portrait” (1887). On the 100th anniversary of its acquisition, experience 74 authentic Van Gogh works from around the world and discover the fascinating story of America’s introduction to this iconic artist, in an exhibition only at the DIA.

A full-length, illustrated catalogue with essays by the exhibition curator and Van Gogh scholars will accompany the exhibition. The Detroit Institute of Arts is the exclusive venue for this exhibition.

The exhibition will explore the considerable efforts made by early promoters of modernism in the United States—including dealers, collectors, private art organizations, public institutions, and the artist’s family—to introduce the artist, his biography, and his artistic production into the American consciousness.

For more Van Gogh paintings and details on the exhibition:
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