Me at Bricktops retouched

How do you find inspiration?
Laura Pollak: My clearest memory was of driving up to the overlook of Half Dome at Yosemite! OMG! What majesty!!! Even at 5, I understood that this was well beyond the machinations of any human being. The forces of nature over the millennium were directly in front of me. The summer day was crisp and clear, and the shadows and light were singing.

When we got back home, I started drawing mountains. I’d take a piece of plain white paper, fold it in half and make a tent. Then I would cut out peaks at the fold and voila! I created atmospheric perspective. I fell in love with the magic of distant, craggy pinnacles. I created that mystical moment on a piece of paper.

Now, when hubby and I travel, we go hiking and biking in the National Parks. I have thousands of photos that have been patiently waiting to be painted. They’re ‘speaking to me’.

The Series called ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE is a collection of these dramatic examples of the Earth reaching skyward, and simultaneously down through the depths of fissures. Tectonic plates shifting and moving mountains. Doesn’t everyone hear the groaning of rock sliding on rock?

To see more of Laura’s work, visit:


pastel painting of desert landscape
Laura Pollak, “Ancient Citadel,” pastel, 9 x 12 in., available through artist
pastel painting of desert landscape
Laura Pollak, “Ancient Buttresses,” pastel, 14 x 15 in., available through artist


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