The Buffalo Bill Center of the West has named Peter S. Seibert — former executive director of the Education, Research, and Historical Interpretation Division of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation — as its new executive director/CEO. Seibert takes the Center’s reins in late November.
“The Buffalo Bill Center is truly a national treasure,” says Paul S. Seibert, the Center’s new CEO. “It has superb collections, world-class staff, and an abiding commitment to telling the story of the American West. For these reasons, and many more, I am thrilled to become the Center’s next executive director.”
Joining Seibert in the move to Cody is his wife, Kim, and their 10-year-old daughter, Mary, a fifth grader who enjoys science and math and “swears she will never be a historian,” Seibert says. Daughter Jane, age 19, is a sophomore history/art major at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. “In the coming months, our family is looking forward to becoming part of the Cody community,” Seibert adds. “We’re anxious to meet folks and participate in the life of the town.”
Seibert was chosen after a lengthy, comprehensive, and far-reaching nationwide search. He replaces the retiring Bruce Eldredge, who has served as the Center’s executive director since January 2008.
“I am so pleased with the hard work of the Center’s selection committee,” explains Barron Collier II, the Center’s chairman of the board of trustees. “We are in a time of transition, and we look forward to exciting growth under Peter’s leadership.”
“During the interview process, I was truly impressed by the commitment of the board, staff, and community to the museum,” Seibert continues. “Their leadership is so important to me as we plan for the future of the Center of the West.
Seibert’s career has been dedicated to public history, museums, and education, with more than 30 years’ experience in those organizations, holding diverse positions from executive director, educator, and curator to faculty member, author, archivist, and board member. “I believe it is vital to blend passion for what you do with great content knowledge,” Seibert observes. “You must also have the ability not only to manage but to be a visionary for an organization.”
“My immediate goals at the Center of the West include finishing projects already in process, working with leadership to continue understanding the interests of our visitors, and positioning the museum as a thought leader in the study of the American West,” Seibert concludes, “and I can’t wait to get started!”
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