Angels Rising
18”x24” oil
“This is the classic view of Angels Landing in the early morning light, just at the moment when the light begins to kiss the top of the landing.” –– Cody DeLong
As one of 11 well-known artists participating in Zion National Park’s Centennial Celebration of Art, Cody DeLong has been invited to showcase five of his recent interpretations of Zion. These works will be on public display in the park November 9–10, 2019, but viewers can get a sneak peak online beginning September 16 by visiting ZIONPARK.ORG. All of these works will be available for purchase, with proceeds benefiting Zion National Park.
As part of this event, each artist will be giving free painting demonstrations in the park throughout the week of November 5–10. The public is invited to spend the week celebrating Zion National Park’s 100th year and enjoying the beauty of autumn at one of America’s most iconic destinations. Details are available at ZIONPARK.ORG.