Eleventh Street Arts (Long Island City, NY) recently announced “The Red Show,” an exhibition curated by Dale Zinkowski, featuring a selection of still life, figure, and portrait paintings by contemporary realist artists.
More from the gallery:
Each painting featured in the exhibition explores the relationship between the psychological associations of the color red and the sublimity of masterful realist painting. We invite you to join our investigation into the artists’ use of color as symbolic language.
“Symbolically, red is the color of life. Red attracts us, conveying vitality, warmth, excitement, passion. Its meaning relates, at bottom, to the human experience of blood and fire, the burning energy of human desirousness.”
— Benedikt Taschen, Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images, 2010
Featured artists:
Anthony Baus | Brendan Johnston | Brian West | Dale Zinkowski | Devin Cecil-Wishing | Diana Buitrago | Gregory Mortensen | Jacob Collins | Jon Brogie | Jon DeMartin | Justin Wood | Kathryn Engberg | Katie Whipple | Kevin Muller | Liz Beard | Rodrigo Mateo | Sam Hung | Sandra Sanchez | Sarah Lamb | Savannah Tate Cuff | Edward Minoff | Travis Schlaht | Tsultrim Tenzin
More details @ eleventhstreetarts.com.
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