As part of our effort to continue to help artists and art galleries thrive, we’re proud to bring you this new “Virtual Gallery Walk.” Browse the paintings below and click the image itself to learn more about it, including how to contact the gallery.
Transparency by Melissa Hefferlin, Oil, 16 x 20 in.; Anderson Fine Art
Most Awesome Pair by Stuart Dunkel, Oil on Panel, Framed, 5 x 7 in.; Bluestone Fine Art Gallery
Yellow Thornbush. Athropocene Collection by Kosmas Ballis, Slipcast & Re-assembled Ceramic, 20 x 18 x 16 in.; Ferrari Gallery
Beach Talk by Mark Daly, featured in The July Sale, Oil on Panel, 9 x 12 in., signed; Rehs Galleries, Inc.
Summer Along the River by Louis Aston Knight (1873-1948), Oil on Canvas, 26 x 32 in. signed; Rehs Galleries, Inc.
City Chill by Nancie King Mertz, Pastel, 12 x 16 in.; Art de Triumph & Artful Framer Studios
Scimitars for Sails by Paul G. Stone, Oil on Canvas, 34 x 40 in.; Vermont Artisan Designs
Steadfast by Morgan LaPlante, Oil on Linen, 28 x 22 in.; Bowersock Gallery
Want to see your gallery featured in an upcoming Virtual Gallery Walk? Contact us at [email protected] to advertise today – don’t delay, as spaces are first-come first-serve and availability is limited.
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