Watercolor painting of beach umbrellas and people on a beach

Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella
18 x 28 in.
Available through Anderson Fine Art Gallery on Saint Simons Island, GA

Catherine Hillis: “I watched these happy sunbathers gathered at the beach from early morning until storm clouds approached. The group seemed determined to remain at this favorite spot forever. I left as the rain rolled in, taking my photos into the studio and creating Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella.”

Award winning artist, Catherine Hillis, travels the world to find just the right narrative for her watercolor paintings. Working en plein air and in the studio, Hillis has garnered many awards and signature memberships from watercolor organizations and plein air competitions across the country. Known for her commonsense approach to teaching, the artist presents workshops throughout the year.

See more of Catherine’s work at www.catherinehillis.com, and find her on Facebook and Instagram.