Peter swift, “Nine Cubic Inches of Maryland Dirt”, acrylic on canvas, 48 by 48 in., available through the artist

Peter Swift: I am trying to convey the fragility of nature. A small clump of grass, dirt, roots and flowers floats alone in an endless black void.

A circle of dead leaves floats in a black void. Many of my paintings feature circles, because I believe that the human brain has a deep psychological connection to circles.

To see more of Peter’s work, visit:

painting of a plant with roots in the middle of canvas; black background
Peter swift, “Five Cubic Inches of Maryland Dirt”, acrylic on canvas, 20 by 20 in., available through the artist
painting of leaves in a circle; black background
Peter swift, “Tulip-Poplar Leaves”, acrylic on canvas, 48 by 48 in., available through the artist