Art books - Paul Schulenburg Oil Paintings -

Books for Art Lovers: Paul Schulenburg Oil Paintings

With light and shadow, color and composition, Paul Schulenburg creates atmospheric moments — invitations to the viewer to complete the narrative.
Tonalism Landscape Paintings - Ben Bauer -

The Tonalist Landscapes of Ben Bauer

Recently, Rehs Contemporary opened a digital exhibition of work by tonalist landscape painter Ben Bauer, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting Belwin Conservancy in Minnesota.
Sir John Seerey-Lester artist -

Sir John Seerey-Lester, Rest in Peace

The world of Wildlife Art lost one of its giants with the recent passing of John Seerey-Lester, of Osprey, Florida.
Contemporary art - Arcadia Gallery -

Gallery Spotlight: Arcadia Contemporary

Arcadia was founded in 2001 and today boasts over 3,000 square feet of representational art. It "remains impervious to the varying conceptual and stylistic shifts often occurring in the contemporary, art world."
Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Art Museums Open Their Doors to the Public

After weeks of so many businesses being closed, we're happy to bring you this list of art museums that are opening their doors to the public once again.
Friday Virtual Gallery Walk

Friday Virtual Gallery Walk for May 22, 2020

As part of our effort to continue to keep artists and art galleries in business, we're proud to bring you this new "Virtual Gallery Walk."
Figurative art - Andrea Kowch -

The Symbolic Explorations of Andrea Kowch

Enjoy a preview of paintings by Andrea Kowch, who takes us behind the scenes of three of her paintings.
Krystal Brown, "Forged," 16 x 12, Oil, $1,200; Best Use of Color and Light Award

2020 NOAPS is On

This year, the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society Annual National exhibition juror is Daniel Gerhartz. Preview the classical paintings here.
“Burning Mist,” 30 x 36 in., oil on canvas, (c) Sergio Roffo 2020

Achieve Sanity Through Art

Many view making art as a meditative practice that calms the nerves, provides clarity, and is fulfilling. For painter Sergio Roffo, that feeling of serene sanity is often achieved with brush in hand and beauty in mind.
PleinAir Salon - oil paintings -

Oil Painting Spotlight: The Peninsula Hotel

Learn about the oil painting that won in the "Best Building" category of the April 2020 PleinAir Salon.

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