Backlit Blooms
24 x 20in., oil on linen
Available through Main St. Gallery, Annapolis, Maryland 410.216.7166

Artist Christine Drewyer says, “Being born on the first of May, the ancient day of Beltane, it is no surprise to me that I am inspired to have the landscape as my primary focus. Perhaps being born in that time when new life is emerging in the springtime has infused my art with a desire to co-create a world where wild chaos as well as order, meld and produce beauty as a result.”

Spring holds a particular sense of urgency and attraction for Christine. Maryland and the surrounding environs offer a plethora of gardens and arboretums overflowing with a bounty of flowering gardens. Drewyer finds it impossible to resist the temptation to fully immerse it all of that beauty and to show up in person and paint in plein air!

Many mornings, for about 3 weeks, she travels to these locations of immense beauty to capture them for the short duration of the blooming season. Backlit Blooms was painted in the National Arboretum as a plein air study and later translated into this larger more complex version of the original inspiration.

Christine claims, “I go a little crazy during this time of year because I just can’t ever capture all of it, but feel I must try and during the process it feels like I’ve gone to Heaven while they last.”

“With my landscapes, I hope to convey a sense of timelessness, this feeling of solidity and endurance and natural beauty. Beauty is a rare and multifaceted thing. It can be a shadow, or a sunbeam, a mother doe with her fawn, the grandeur of a sunset, or the promise of a new day. I find it in the turn of a wave ready to spill onto the shore in a never-ending progression of tides that we are all anchored to in this brilliant Universe that we share. The sacredness of the trees and the natural world and the gift we are offered each day to behold—I want to make work that reminds us that, there by the grace of God, go we.”

Upcoming Exhibitions
Main St. Gallery Invitational Small Group Show 6/13 – 7/8. Opening reception 6/16. Call 410.216.7166 for more information.

American Women Artists Illuminate the Haggin Museum 8/2 – 9/16 Stockton, CA

Washington Society of Landscape Painters at Principle Gallery 9/2 – 10/2 Alexandria, VA

Women Artists of the West, 48th National Invitational Annual Exhibition 9/2 – 11/4 Bartlesville, OK, Price Tower

Christine Drewyer has been featured in these National Art Publications:
Art of the West, 2016 “Mother Nature’s Magic” by Vicki Stavig
What’s Up, 2015 “Inside the Artist’s Studio” by Kathi Ferguson magazine cover & feature
American Art Collector, 2014 “Love of the land” Artist Focus
American Art Collector, 2013 OPA Editorial
American Art Collector, 2013 Rich Timmons Gallery Artists Focus
American Art Collector, 2011 “A Visual Experience” by Michelle Borgwardt
American Art Collector, 2010 “Revering Nature” by Josh Rose

Christine Drewyer has found beauty all over the world to paint. She works exclusively in oil paint and paints most months with the oldest landscape painting group in the country, The Washington Society of Landscape Painters. Although most of her paintings begin as a plein air sketch or study, she does translate many of these into more developed paintings in her studio.

To see more of the Christine’s work, please visit