Pastel painting of a reclining bear with a magpie on its paw, painted on a state and national park map

Artist Spotlight: Lisa Gleim

“In terms of business success, I stick with the basics. I work diligently toward long and short-term goals regarding quality, consistent production, and having well-respected, active gallery representation.”

OPA Elects a New Master Signature Member

Enjoy an exclusive and incredibly moving interview with William Suys on his path in art, and in life.
Representational oil paintings

Visionary Work and Necessary Disasters

As an artist, one does not need to sacrifice his or her personal expression for the sake of learning the principles.
Female artist in her studio in front of one of her paintings on an easel

Artist Spotlight: Christine Graefe Drewyer

“I also subscribe to the adage of, ‘If you love what you do, work will never be a four-letter word’ and make no mistake, I do.”

Mentor and Master: The Enduring Influence of Jean-Léon Gérôme

A shared passion for researching the life and art of Jean-Léon Gérôme, and the lessons that can be learned 150 years later.
artist holding painting, posing with fellow artist/friend together

Artist Spotlight: Jill Stefani Wagner PSA-MC IAPS/MC

Finishing a difficult artwork, creating a commissioned painting that makes my patron smile, having my work accepted into a national exhibit and accepting new gallery representation are all steps of the latter we artists climb.
James Gurney art

Windows to a Forgotten World

Although it’s been many thousands - if not millions – of years since ancient civilizations and some extinct animal species flourished, their legacies continue to fascinate and live on through the creative vision of artist James Gurney. Welcome to Dinotopia and other lost worlds.
Jon deMartin draws in Venice’s Piazza San Marco.

Inspired by Venetian Masters

Learn about an artist who has spent much time in Venice drawing, painting, and studying the methods of the many historical Venetian masters who have long inspired him.
Larry Cannon painting on the Sonoma Coast

Artist Spotlight: Larry Cannon

I sought my inspiration from plein air painting along the beautiful California coastline and in her lush valleys and mountains.

Artist Spotlight: Jean K. Schwartz

Over the years I have explored ways of creating the subtle color gradations and translucent light that I want in my paintings. Soft edges and a more tonal quality to my palette have emerged as a result of realizing my inspiration.

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