Featured Artwork: Carla D’aguanno

Morning Reverie 36 x 24 in. Oil Painting and drawing from live models in college is where her passion for figurative painting emerged. While attending Otis/Parsons School...

Featured Artwork: Lori Putnam

Lori Putnam: Like a personal invitation, Lori Putnam’s work calls its viewers to enter the setting, walk around a bit, take a seat, and...
Oil painting of an elderly woman with a piece of pie on a paper plate

Featured Artwork: Amy Werntz presented by The Bennett Prize

Amy Werntz is obsessed with time, of the fear of its passing to the feeling of not living in the correct moment. This passion plays out in her art.

Featured Artwork: Heather Arenas

Featured Artwork: Heather Arenas Moth-Winged Thoughts Carry Me Away 20x24 in. $2900 Finalist in June 2019 Gateway International Painting Competition Available through the artist at www.heatherarenas.com. When I was younger,...

Featured Artwork:  Radhika Srinivas

“Grand Central” 16 x 12 in Watercolor on paper Available from the artist www.radhikasrinivas.com Radhika Srinivas is an award-winning watercolor artist. Although she primarily paints in her home studio...

Featured Artwork: Heather Lynn Gibson

Thirsty Clipper 36 x 18 in. Oil on canvas $1725 Available from the artist Thirsty Clipper depicts a scene Heather Gibson came across in Berlin, New Jersey, by happenstance....
oil painting of single buffalo in a field during the day

Featured Artwork: Johanne Mangi

Johanne Mangi: Creating fresh and lively portraits is the goal that inspires both Johanne’s passionate work and her teaching. Fortunate to have studied painting...

Featured Artwork: Patricia Hynes

“Happiness Is…” oil on canvas 24 x 36 in.   ART IS A REFLECTION OF HUMAN EXISTENCE In my early twenties for some unknown reason and with no significant...

Featured Artwork: Chantel Lynn Barber

Chantel Lynn Barber: I have always favored a more impressionistic/Expressionistic style. I want my work to feel alive and life is about movement and...

Featured Artwork: Olaf Schneider

"The Vault" Oil on canvas 30 in. x 60 in. Available through the artist   Biography Olaf Schneider (b.1964) is a husband, father of two, and grandfather of six. He studied...

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