Realism art - Sharon Sprung, "Resting, but Complicated," oil on panel, 35 x 36 in.

The Need to Drift

Sharon Sprung recently delivered a new oil painting titled "Resting, But Complicated" to a New York gallery. Find out where and learn her inspirations behind this new piece.
Watercolor painting of a dog by Shelley Prior

Shelley Prior: Light is the Life

Shelley Prior, who is on the faculty of Watercolor Live, is a Canadian artist living in ...
Young person looking at the Silent Battle statue

The Eyes of Freedom: A Traveling Memorial

Learn about a memorial that, by honoring a specific group of marines, is bringing healing to all those suffering from the "Silent Battle."
Sons of Victory bas-relief sculpture

Bas-Relief: Sons of Victory

The artist's youthful experiences opened the door for his natural curiosity and ability to take flight, and as a teenager he not only copied Old Master works but also ...
Creating Art - John Wentz, Untitled, 13 x 17 inches, Oil on canvas

How Creating Art is More Than “Process”

"How do they do that?" Enjoy a behind-the-scenes look into how the process of creating art, including the "unfinished" pieces, becomes the finished work.
Brad Aldridge, "A Far-Off Country," 60 x 102 inches, Oil on canvas

Painting as an Intimate Act

Much of writing about art strikes me as something akin to a technical manual on how one should kiss their lover...
Oil seascape paintings -

Continuing Memories and Traditions

Landscape painter Mary Derrick is an outstanding example to show it’s never too late to begin one’s love affair with art. More importantly, however, was the moment it happened, which has kept memories fresh of the person who led her to it.
John Peto art museum parlor

Worth the Visit: The John F. Peto Studio Museum

Experts have come to acknowledge this artist as one of the leaders of late 19th-century America’s trompe l’oeil movement.
Multi-figure oil painting by Cesar Santos

Artist Cesar Santos: Inspiration for “The Three Graces”

When Cesar Santos imagined a gallery room that held paintings by Rothko and Goya, he envisioned a dynamic scene that inspired this work...
Wildlife sculpture by Tyrel Johnson

Realistic Sculptures of the Human-to-Animal Connection

Whether wild lynx, bison, frog or fish, the bronze-and-wood wildlife sculptures of Montana artist Tyrel Johnson bring a sense of peace to their audience while offering a unique story of nature.

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