Featured Artwork: William A. Schneider

William A. Schneider: OPAM is best known for his expressive work in two genres: depictions of the human face and form; abstracted cityscapes. William...
oil painting of women dancing

Featured Artwork: Jill Banks

Jill Banks: "Capturing Life in Oils – Plein Air and in the Studio. Join the adventure, add to your collection and subscribe to keep...
oil painting of cow portrait

Featured Artwork: Jenny Buckner

Jenny Buckner: I’ve always been fascinated and in love with animals. Their individual personalities and their wildly different forms make them so interesting. Trying...
oil portrait side painting of girl at the beach

Featured Artwork: Nanette Fluhr

To view Summer Wind, click here https://www.artsy.net/artwork/nanette-fluhr-summer-wind Nanette Fluhr: With over two decades of professional experience, Nanette Fluhr has created paintings that hang in public...
oil painting of artists' family walking along the beach

Featured Artwork: Nina Cobb Walker

Nina Cobb Walker: “Tranquility and peacefulness are strong themes throughout my paintings. I try to create and evoke moods which touch the soul that...
oil painting of sunset over pond

Featured Artwork: Jean Schwartz

Jean Schwartz: “I live in Virginia where the climate tends to have a lot of moisture. Summers are hot and humid; the vegetation is...
oil painting of housekeeper pushing towel cart

Featured Artwork: Carolyn Lindsey

Carolyn Lindsey: “Housekeeping,” a daily chore at a small Arizona motel is a pretext for the use of light and dark to create a...
oil painting of cityscape at night, after rain

Featured Artwork: Richard Boyer

Richard Boyer: I had a request from Berkley Gallery in Warrenton, VA to do some more Manhattan painting for some of their clients. The...

Featured Artwork: Johanne Mangi

Johanne Mangi: Although I’m known for painting dogs, I actually paint a variety of animals, people and things. Dogs just happen to be my...
oil painting of sunset over marsh

Featured Artwork: Paula Holtzclaw

Paula Holtzclaw, “I choose to paint what is beautiful and meaningful, knowing that this act of celebrating and communicating the beauty in this world...

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